



1. Wang, X., Jerome. Z., Zhang C., Shen, S., Kumar, V., and Liu, H.X. (2022). Trajectory Data Processing and Mobility Performance Evaluation for Urban Traffic Networks. Transportation Research Record, 2677(3), 355-370.

2. Jerome, Z., Wang, X., Shen, S., and Liu, H.X. (2022). Determining Yellow Change and Clearance Intervals for Left-Turning Phases: Evaluation of the Current Guidelines with Connected Vehicle Data. Transportation Research Record, 2676(11), 1-14.

3. Zhang, R., Zou, Z., Shen, S., and Liu, H.X. (2022). Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Roadside Cooperative Perception System. Transportation Research Record, 2676(11), 273-284. 

4.  Zou, Z., Zhang, R., Shen, S., Pandey, G., Chakravarty, P., Parchami, A., and Liu, H.X. (2022). Real-time Full-stack Traffic Scene Perception for Autonomous Driving with Roadside Cameras. Presented at ICRA 2022.

5. Feng, Y., Huang, S. E., Wong, W., Chen, Q. A., Mao, Z. M., & Liu, H. X. (2022). On the Cybersecurity of Traffic Signal Control System With Connected Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(9), 16267-16279.

6. Liu, L., Feng, S., Feng, Y., Zhu, X., Liu, H.X. (2022). Learning-Based Stochastic Driving Model for Autonomous Vehicle Testing. Transportation Research Record, 2676(1), 54-64.

7. Wang, X., Yin Y., Feng, Y., and Liu, H.X. (2022). Learning the max pressure control for urban traffic networks considering the phase switching loss. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 140, 103670.

8. Hua, J., Lu G., Liu, H.X. (2022). Modeling and simulation of approaching behaviors to signalized intersections based on risk quantification. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 142, 103773.


1. Feng, S., Yan, X., Sun, H., Feng Y., and Liu, H.X. (2021). Intelligent driving intelligence test for autonomous vehicles with naturalistic and adversarial environment. Nature Communications, 12, 748.

2. Yang, Z., Feng, Y., and Liu, H.X. (2021). A cooperative driving framework for urban arterials in mixed traffic conditions. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 124, 102918.

3. Zhao, Y., Shen, S., and Liu, H.X. (2021). A hidden Markov model for the estimation of correlated queues in probe vehicle environments. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 128, 103128.

4. Wong, W., Wong, S.C., and Liu, H.X. (2021). Network Topological Effects on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 9(1), 376-398.

5.  Huang, S., Feng, Y., and Liu, H.X. (2021). A data-driven method for falsified vehicle trajectory identification by anomaly detection. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 128, 103196.

6. Sun, H., Feng, S., Yan, X., & Liu, H. X. (2021). Corner Case Generation and Analysis for Safety Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Research Record, 2675(11), 587–600.


1. Feng, S., Feng, Y., Yu, C., Zhang, Y., and Liu, H.X. (2020). Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles, Part I: Methodology. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(3), 1573-1582.

2. Feng, S., Feng, Y., Sun, H.,  Bao, S., Zhang, Y., and Liu, H.X. (2020). Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles, Part II: Case Studies. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(9), 5635-5647.

3. Wang, X., Shen, S., Feng, Y., Bezzina, D., Sayer, J., and Liu, H.X. (2020). A Data Infrastructure for Connected Vehicle Applications.  Transportation Research Record, 2674(5), 85–96.

4. Feng, S.,  Feng, Y., Yan, X., Shen, S.,  Xu, S., and Liu, H.X. (2020). Safety Assessment of Highly Automated Driving Systems in Test Tracks: A New Framework. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 144, 105664.

5. Feng, S., Feng, Y., Sun, H., Zhang, Y., and Liu, H.X. (2020). Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles: An Adaptive Framework. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(2), 1213-1222.

6. Zhao, Y., Guo, X., and Liu, H.X. (2020). The Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Commute Ridesharing with Uncertain Work End Time. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 143, 221-248.


1. Zhao, Y., Zheng, J., Wong, W., Wang, X., Meng, Y., & Liu, H.X. (2019). Estimation of queue lengths, probe vehicle penetration rates, and traffic volumes at signalized intersections using probe vehicle trajectories. Transportation Research Record, 2673(11), 660-670.

2. Yu, C., Sun, W., Liu, H.X., & Yang, X. (2019). Managing connected and automated vehicles at isolated intersections: From reservation-to optimization-based methods. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 122, 416-435.

3. Feng, S., Sun, H., Zhang, Y., Zheng, J., Liu, H.X., & Li, L. (2019). Tube-based discrete controller design for vehicle platoons subject to disturbances and saturation constraints. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(3), 1066-1073.

4. Wong, W., Shen, S., Zhao, Y. and Liu, H.X. (2019). On the estimation of connected vehicle penetration rate based on single-source connected vehicle data. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 126, 169-191.

5. Yu, C., Feng, Y., Liu, H. X., Ma, W., & Yang, X. (2019). Corridor level cooperative trajectory optimization with connected and automated vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 105, 405-421.

6. Zhao, Y., Zheng, J., Wong, W., Wang, X., Meng, Y., & Liu, H.X. (2019). Various methods for queue length and traffic volume estimation using probe vehicle trajectories. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 107, 70-91.

7. Zhang, H., Chen, P., Zheng, J., Zhu, J., Yu, G., Wang Y., & Liu, H.X. (2019). Missing data detection and imputation for urban ANPR system using an iterative tensor decomposition approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 107, 337-355.

8. Zhang, H., Liu, H.X., Chen, P., Yu, G., & Wang, Y. (2019). Cycle-based end of queue estimation at signalized intersections using low-penetration-rate vehicle trajectories. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 3257-3272.

9. Li, M., Di, X.,  Liu, H.X., & Huang, H.J. (2019): A restricted path-based ridesharing user equilibrium, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(4), 383-403.


1. Feng, Y., Huang, S., Chen, Q. A., Liu, H.X., & Mao, Z. M. (2018). Vulnerability of traffic control system under cyberattacks with falsified data. Transportation Research Record, 2672(1), 1-11.

2. Di, X., Zhao, Y., Huang, S., & Liu, H.X. (2018). A similitude theory for modeling traffic flow dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(3), 900-911.

3. Di, X., Ma, R., Liu, H.X., & Ban, X. J. (2018). A link-node reformulation of ridesharing user equilibrium with network design. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 112, 230-255.

4. Yu, C., Feng, Y., Liu, H.X., Ma, W., & Yang, X. (2018). Integrated optimization of traffic signals and vehicle trajectories at isolated urban intersections. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 112, 89-112.

5. Feng, Y., Yu, C., & Liu, H.X. (2018). Spatiotemporal intersection control in a connected and automated vehicle environment. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 89, 364-383.

6. Feng, Y., Zheng, J., & Liu, H.X. (2018). Real-time detector-free adaptive signal control with low penetration of connected vehicles. Transportation Research Record, 2672(18), 35-44.

7. Wong, W., Wong, S. C., & Liu, H.X. (2018). Bootstrap standard error estimations of nonlinear transport models based on linearly projected data. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 15(2), 602-630.

8. Li, M., Huang, H. J., & Liu, H. X. (2018). Stochastic route choice equilibrium assignment for travelers with heterogeneous regret aversions. Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 3(1), 1-15.

9. Zheng, F., Jabari, S. E., Liu, H.X., & Lin, D. (2018). Traffic state estimation using stochastic Lagrangian dynamics. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 115, 143-165.

10. Sun, W., Zheng, J., & Liu, H.X. (2018). A capacity maximization scheme for intersection management with automated vehicles. Transportation research part C: Emerging Technologies, 94, 19-31.

11. Wang, X. B., Yin, K., & Liu, H.X. (2018) Vehicle actuated signal performance under general traffic at an isolated intersection, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 95, 582–598.

12. Feng, Y., Yu, C., Xu, S., Liu, H.X., & Peng, H. (2018). An augmented reality environment for connected and automated vehicle testing and evaluation. 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Changshu, China, 2018, pp. 1549-1554.


1. Zheng, J., & Liu, H.X. (2017). Estimating traffic volumes for signalized intersections using connected vehicle data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 79, 347-362. 

2. Zulkefli, M. A. M., Mukherjee, P., Sun, Z., Zheng, J., Liu, H. X., & Huang, P. (2017). Hardware-in-the-loop testbed for evaluating connected vehicle applications. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 78, 50-62. 

3. Ren, Y., Wang, Y., Yu, G., Liu, H.X., & Xiao, L. (2017). An adaptive signal control scheme to prevent intersection traffic blockage. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(6), 1519-1528.

4. Di, X., Liu, H.X., Ban, X., & Yang, H. (2017). Ridesharing user equilibrium and its implications for high-occupancy toll lane pricing. Transportation Research Record, 2667(1), 39-50. 

5. Danczyk, A., Di, X., Liu, H.X., & Levinson, D.M. (2017). Unexpected versus expected network disruption: Effects on travel behavior. Transport Policy, 57, 68-78.

6. Di, X., Liu, H.X., Zhu, S., & Levinson, D. M. (2017). Indifference bands for boundedly rational route switching. Transportation, 44, 1169-1194. 

7. Zhu, S., Levinson, D., & Liu, H.X. (2017). Measuring winners and losers from the new I-35W Mississippi River Bridge. Transportation, 44, 905-918.


1. Danczyk, A., Di, X., & Liu, H. X. (2016). A probabilistic optimization model for allocating freeway sensors. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 67, 378-398.

2. Di, X., & Liu, H. X. (2016). Boundedly rational route choice behavior: A review of models and methodologies. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 85, 142-179.

3. Di, X., Liu, H. X., & Ban, X. J. (2016). Second best toll pricing within the framework of bounded rationality. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 83, 74-90.

4. Sun, W., Wang, Y., Yu, G., & Liu, H. X. (2016). Quasi-optimal feedback control for an isolated intersection under oversaturation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 67, 109-130. 


1. Sun, W., Wang, Y., Yu, G., & Liu, H. X. (2015). Quasi-optimal feedback control for a system of oversaturated intersections. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 57, 224-240. [PDF]

2. Sun, J., & Liu, H. X. (2015). Stochastic eco-routing in a signalized traffic network. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 59, 32-47. [PDF]

3. Lu, G., Wang, Y., Wu, X., & Liu, H. X. (2015). Analysis of yellow-light running at signalized intersections using high-resolution traffic data. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 73, 39-52. [PDF]

4. He, X., Liu, H. X., & Liu, H. X. (2015). Optimal vehicle speed trajectory on a signalized arterial with consideration of queue. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 61, 106-120. [PDF]

5. Di, X., Liu, H. X., Ban, X. J. X., & Yu, J. W. (2015). On the stability of a boundedly rational day-to-day dynamic. Networks and Spatial Economics, 15(3), 537-557. [PDF]

6. Ma, R., Ban, X. J., Pang, J. S., & Liu, H. X. (2015). Convergence of time discretization schemes for continuous-time dynamic network loading models. Networks and Spatial Economics, 15(3), 419-441. [PDF]

7. Ma, R., Ban, X. J., Pang, J. S., & Liu, H. X. (2015). Approximating time delays in solving continuous-time dynamic user equilibria. Networks and Spatial Economics, 15(3), 443-463. [PDF]

8. Zheng, J., Liu, H. X, & Misgen, S. (2015). Fine-tuning time-of-day transitions for arterial traffic signals. Transportation Research Record, 2488(1), 32-40. [PDF]

9. Di, X., Liu, H. X., & Levinson, D. M. (2015). Multiagent route choice game for transportation engineering. Transportation Research Record, 2480(1), 55-63. [PDF]


1. Zulkefli, M. A. M., Zheng, J., Sun, Z., & Liu, H. X. (2014). Hybrid powertrain optimization with trajectory prediction based on inter-vehicle-communication and vehicle-infrastructure-integration. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 45, 41-63. [PDF]

2. Jabari, S. E., Zheng, J., & Liu, H. X. (2014). A probabilistic stationary speed–density relation based on Newell’s simplified car-following model. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 68, 205-223. [PDF]

3. Zheng, J., Liu, H. X., Misgen, S., Schwartz, K., Green, B., & Anderson, M. (2014). Use of event-based traffic data in generating time–space diagrams for evaluation of signal coordination. Transportation Research Record, 2439(1), 94-104. [PDF]

4. Di, X., He, X., Guo, X., & Liu, H. X. (2014). Braess paradox under the boundedly rational user equilibria. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 67, 86-108. [PDF]

5. Wu, X., & Liu, H. X. (2014). Using high-resolution event-based data for traffic modeling and control: An overview. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 42, 28-43. [PDF]

6. Liu, H. X., & Sun, J. (2014). Length-based vehicle classification using event-based loop detector data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 38, 156-166. [PDF]


1. Hu, H., Wu, X., & Liu, H. X. (2013). Managing oversaturated signalized arterials: a maximum flow based approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 36, 196-211. [PDF]

2. Hu, H., & Liu, H. X. (2013). Arterial offset optimization using archived high-resolution traffic signal data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 37, 131-144. [PDF]

3. Wu, X., Vall, N. D., Liu, H. X., Cheng, W., & Jia, X. (2013). Analysis of drivers’ stop-or-run behavior at signalized intersections with high-resolution traffic and signal event data. Transportation Research Record, 2365(1), 99-108. [PDF]

4. Zheng, J., Liu, H. X., Misgen, S., & Yu, G. (2013). Performance diagnosis tool for arterial traffic signals. Transportation Research Record, 2356(1), 109-116. [PDF]

5. Di, X., Liu, H. X., Pang, J. S., & Ban, X. J. (2013). Boundedly Rational User Equilibria (BRUE): mathematical formulation and solution sets, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 57, 300-313. [PDF]

6. Jabari, S. E., & Liu, H. X. (2013). A stochastic model of traffic flow: Gaussian approximation and estimation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 47, 15-41. [PDF]


1. Ban, X. J., Pang, J. S., Liu, H. X., & Ma, R. (2012). Modeling and solving continuous-time instantaneous dynamic user equilibria: a differential complementarity systems approach. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 46(3), 389-408. [PDF]

2. Ban, X. J., Pang, J. S., Liu, H. X., & Ma, R. (2012). Continuous-time point-queue models in dynamic network loading. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 46(3), 360-380. [PDF]

3. Jabari, S. E., & Liu, H. X. (2012). A stochastic model of traffic flow: Theoretical foundations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 46(1), 156-174. [PDF]

4. He, X., & Liu, H. X. (2012). Modeling the day-to-day traffic evolution process after an unexpected network disruption. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 46(1), 50-71. [PDF]

5. He, X., Chen, A., Chaovalitwongse, W. A., & Liu, H. X. (2012). An improved linearization technique for a class of quadratic 0-1 programming problems. Optimization Letters, 6(1), 31-41. [PDF]

6. Liu, H. X., Ma, W., Wu, X., & Hu, H. (2012). Real-time estimation of arterial travel time under congested conditions. Transportmetrica, 8(2), 87-104. [PDF]


1. Wu, X., & Liu, H. X. (2011). A shockwave profile model for traffic flow on congested urban arterials. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45(10), 1768-1786. [PDF]

2. Guo, X., & Liu, H. X. (2011). Bounded rationality and irreversible network change. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45(10), 1606-1618. [PDF]

3. Guo, X., & Liu, H. X. (2011). Day-to-day dynamic model in discrete–continuum transportation networks. Transportation Research Record, 2263(1), 66-72. [PDF]

4. He, X., & Liu, H. X. (2011). Inverse variational inequalities with projection-based solution methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 208(1), 12-18. [PDF]

5. Zhu, S., Levinson, D., Liu, H. X., & Harder, K. (2010). The traffic and behavioral effects of the I-35W Mississippi River bridge collapse. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 44(10), 771-784. [PDF]

6. Wu, X., Liu, H. X., & Geroliminis, N. (2011). An empirical analysis on the arterial fundamental diagram. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45(1), 255-266. [PDF]

7. Danczyk, A., & Liu, H. X. (2011). A mixed-integer linear program for optimizing sensor locations along freeway corridors. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45(1), 208-217. [PDF]


1. Di, X., Liu, H. X., & Davis, G. A. (2010). Hybrid extended Kalman filtering approach for traffic density estimation along signalized arterials: Use of global positioning system data. Transportation Research Record, 2188(1), 165-173. [PDF]

2. Liao, C. F., & Liu, H. X. (2010). Development of data-processing framework for transit performance analysis. Transportation Research Record, 2143(1), 34-43. [PDF]

3. Wu, X., Liu, H. X., & Gettman, D. (2010). Identification of oversaturated intersections using high-resolution traffic signal data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 18(4), 626-638. [PDF]

4. Wu, X., Michalopoulos, P., & Liu, H. X. (2010). Stochasticity of freeway operational capacity and chance-constrained ramp metering. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 18(5), 741-756. [PDF]

5. Ban, X. J., Ferris, M., & Liu, H. X. (2010). Numerical studies on reformulation techniques for continuous network design with asymmetric user equilibria. International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS), 1(1), 52-72. [PDF]

6. He, X., Guo, X., & Liu, H. X. (2010). A link-based day-to-day traffic assignment model. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 44(4), 597-608. [PDF]

7. He, B., He, X. Z., & Liu, H. X. (2010). Solving a class of constrained ‘black-box’ inverse variational inequalities. European Journal of Operational Research, 204(3), 391-401. [PDF]


1. Liu, H. X., & Danczyk, A. (2009). Optimal sensor locations for freeway bottleneck identification. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 24(8), 535-550. [PDF]

2. Liu, H. X., Wu, X., Ma, W., & Hu, H. (2009). Real-time queue length estimation for congested signalized intersections. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 17(4), 412-427. [PDF]

3. Ban, X. J., & Liu, H. X. (2009). A link-node discrete-time dynamic second best toll pricing model with a relaxation solution algorithm. Networks and Spatial Economics, 9(2), 243. [PDF]

4. Ban, X. J., Lu, S., Ferris, M., & Liu, H. X. (2009). Risk averse second best toll pricing. In Transportation and Traffic Theory 2009: Golden Jubilee (pp. 197-218). Springer, Boston, MA. [PDF]

5. Liu, H. X., & Ma, W. (2009). A virtual vehicle probe model for time-dependent travel time estimation on signalized arterials. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 17(1), 11-26. [PDF]

6. He, B., He, X. Z., Liu, H. X., & Wu, T. (2009). Self-adaptive projection method for co-coercive variational inequalities. European Journal of Operational Research, 196(1), 43-48. [PDF]

7. Liu, H. X., & Bhimireddy, S. (2009). Evaluation of integrated platoon-priority and advance warning flasher system at high-speed intersections. Transportation research record, 2128(1), 121-131. [PDF]

8. Wu, X., Levinson, D. M., & Liu, H. X. (2009). Perception of waiting time at signalized intersections. Transportation research record, 2135(1), 52-59. [PDF]

9. Liao, C. F., Liu, H. X., & Levinson, D. M. (2009). Simulating transportation for realistic engineering education and training: Engaging undergraduate students in transportation studies. Transportation Research Record, 2109(1), 12-21. [PDF]

10. Liu, H. X., & Ma, W. (2009) A Distributed Modeling Framework for Large-scale Microscopic Traffic Simulation World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 2(2), 107 – 126. [PDF]

11. Liu, H. X., He, X., & He, B. (2009). Method of successive weighted averages (MSWA) and self-regulated averaging schemes for solving stochastic user equilibrium problem. Networks and Spatial Economics, 9(4), 485-503. [PDF]



1. Ban, X. J., Liu, H. X., Ferris, M. C., & Ran, B. (2008). A link-node complementarity model and solution algorithm for dynamic user equilibria with exact flow propagations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 42(9), 823-842. [PDF]

2. Liu, H. X., & Jabari, S. E. (2008). Evaluation of corridor traffic management and planning strategies that use microsimulation: A case study. Transportation Research Record, 2088(1), 26-35. [PDF]

3. Liu, H. X., Danczyk, A., Brewer, R., & Starr, R. (2008). Evaluation of cell phone traffic data in Minnesota. Transportation Research Record, 2086(1), 1-7. [PDF]


1. Liu, H. X., Xin, W., Adam, Z., & Ban, J. (2007). A game theoretical approach for modelling merging and yielding behaviour at freeway on-ramp sections. In 17th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, London, UK. [PDF]

2. Yang, F.* & Liu, H. X. (2007) A new modeling framework for travelers’ day-to-day route choice adjustment processes, In 17th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, London, UK, 813-835. [PDF]

3. Liu, H. X., Wu, X., & Michalopoulos, P. G. (2007). Improving queue size estimation for Minnesota's stratified zone metering strategy. Transportation Research Record, 2012(1), 38-46. [PDF]

4. Liu, H. X., He, X., & Recker, W. (2007). Estimation of the time-dependency of values of travel time and its reliability from loop detector data. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 41(4), 448-461. [PDF]

5. Liu, H. X., Ban, J. X., Ma, W., & Mirchandani, P. B. (2007). Model reference adaptive control framework for real-time traffic management under emergency evacuation. Journal of urban planning and development, 133(1), 43-50. [PDF]


1. Ban, J. X., Liu, H. X., Ferris, M. C., & Ran, B. (2006). A general MPCC model and its solution algorithm for continuous network design problem. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 43(5-6), 493-505. [PDF]

2. Ban, X., Liu, H. X., Lu, J., & Ferris, M. C. (2006). Decomposition scheme for continuous network design problem with asymmetric user equilibria. Transportation Research Record, 1964(1), 185-192. [PDF]


1. Liu, H. X., Recker, W., & Chen, A. (2004). Uncovering the contribution of travel time reliability to dynamic route choice using real-time loop data. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 38(6), 435-453. [PDF]

2. Chu, L., Liu, H. X., & Recker, W. (2004). Using microscopic simulation to evaluate potential intelligent transportation system strategies under nonrecurrent congestion. Transportation Research Record, 1886(1), 76-84. [PDF]

3. Yang, F., Yin, Z., Liu, H. X., & Ran, B. (2004). Online recursive algorithm for short-term traffic prediction. Transportation Research Record, 1879(1), 1-8. [PDF]

4. Chu, L., Liu, H. X., Recker, W., & Zhang, H. M. (2004). Performance evaluation of adaptive ramp-metering algorithms using microscopic traffic simulation model. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 130(3), 330-338. [PDF]


1. Liu, H. X., Ban, X., Ran, B., & Mirchandani, P. (2003). Formulation and solution algorithm for fuzzy dynamic traffic assignment model. Transportation Research Record, 1854(1), 114-123. [PDF]

2. Yang, F., Liu, H. X., He, R. R., Ban, X., & Ran, B. (2003). Bilevel formulation for optimal traffic-information dissemination. Transportation research record, 1836(1), 21-28. [PDF]

3. Sun, H., Liu, H. X., Xiao, H., He, R. R., & Ran, B. (2003). Use of local linear regression model for short-term traffic forecasting. Transportation Research Record, 1836(1), 143-150. [PDF]


1. Liu, H. X., Oh, J. S., & Recker, W. (2002). Adaptive signal control system with online performance measure for a single intersection. Transportation Research Record, 1811(1), 131-138. [PDF]

2. Liu, H. X., Ban, X., Ran, B., & Mirchandani, P. (2002). Analytical dynamic traffic assignment model with probabilistic travel times and perceptions. Transportation Research Record, 1783(1), 125-133. [PDF]


1. Liu, H. X., & Ran, B. (2001). Vision-based stop sign detection and recognition system for intelligent vehicles. Transportation Research Record, 1748(1), 161-166. [PDF]


1. Ran, B., & Liu, H. X. (1999). Development of vision-based vehicle detection and recognition system for intelligent vehicles. Transportation research record, 1679(1), 130-138. [PDF]