
The U-M Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) will expand through the integration of Mcity.  Prof. Liu will take on the role of UMTRI’s director on March 1, 2025 


Prof. Liu presented the Mcity Autonomous Vehicle Safety Testing Demo at the USDOT Future of Transportation Summit at the USDOT headquarters in D.C. 


Prof. Henry Liu has been named the Bruce D. Greenshields Collegiate Professor of Engineering. 


Tinghan, Linxuan, and Xintao are on the U-M Home page.


Congratulations! Xintao Yan successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Simulating Naturalistic Driving Environment for Autonomous Vehicles.


Congratulations! Xingmin Wang successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Traffic Signal Optimization with Connected Vehicle Trajectories.


Congratulations! Yuanxin Zhong successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis


Xiaowei(Tom) Shi will join the Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2023. Before joining University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Michigan with Prof. Henry Liu. 


Our research work published in Nature, March 23, 2023 Issue is covered by The Wall Street Journal


The paper titled "Learning naturalistic driving environment with statistical realism" is published in Nature Communication by Professor Henry Liu and Xintao Yan. This is the first time that a simulation model can reproduce the real-world driving environment with statistical realism, particularly for safety-critical situations. 

This article is featured in a Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights webpage and chosen by the Nature Communications editorial team to be Featured Image. 

News from Mirage | News from EurekAlert | News from Tech Xplore | News from News Azi | News from 8 plus | News from University of Michigan | News from Science Daily | News from Today Headline 


The sixth Center for Connected and Automated Transportation Global Symposium on Mobility Innovation Presented by Mcity and UMTRI is hosted at the Morris Lawrence Building at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, MI.


The Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT), based in Ann Arbor and led by U-M, will receive a $15 million, five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) to renew and expand its operations. Prof. Henry Liu will continue serving as the director of CCAT

News from USDOT

News from the Michigan Engineering

News from the Senator Gary Peters

News from Mlive

News from U-M CEE


Dr. Shuo Feng will join Tsinghua University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Automation in November 2022.

Dr. Feng was an Assistant Research Scientist at University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI). Before joining UMTRI, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the Michigan Traffic Lab of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, working with Prof. Henry X. Liu


Congratulations! Zhen Yang successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: An Infrastructure-based Coopeprtive Driving Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles


Prof. Liu presented the latest research on automated vehicles to the Munro Live Team at Mcity


Prof. Liu and Sean were selected as the highlight in a social media post of College of Engineering for a campaign celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May.


Congratulations to Zachary Jerome for being elected as the new president of MiTSO!


The Center for Connected and Automated Transportation hosted the fifth both in-person and virtual annual conference on April 12th and 13th at the Michigan Union in Ann Arbor, MI. Cybersecurity, infrastructure, and shared mobility were discussed during the two-day event. Join CCAT's mailing list to be the first to receive updates from the University of Michigan’s premier transportation event. 


The  paper  "Intelligent driving intelligence test for autonomous vehicles with naturalistic and adversarial environment", which is published in Nature Communications, received the Transportation Science and Logistics Society ITS Outstanding Paper Award at the 2021 Annual Meeting of INFORMS


A webinar of Scenario Generation Toolbox for Accelerating AV Development and Validation at the American Center for Mobility (ACM) is hosted by ACM. 

Learn about the SAFE Test, implemented at the American Center for Mobility (ACM) 


The Center for Connected and Automated Transportation hosted the 4th Global Symposium online. 


Congratulations! Dr. Ed Huang won the best paper award (Runner-up) for the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2021, "Impact Evaluation of Falsified Data Attacks on Connected Vehicle Based Traffic Signal Control Systems."


A research paper from CCAT Director, Prof. Henry Liu, has been published and chosen as a featured article in the scientific journal, Nature Communications. It proposes a naturalistic and adversarial driving environment (NADE) that will drastically improve the efficiency of autonomous vehicle testing and evaluation.  

Media Coverage

News from Center for Connected and Automated Transportation 

News from Tech Xplore

The paper received the SIG ITS Outstanding Paper Award at the INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Meeting 


Congratulations! Dr. Yan Zhao won the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA) Best Dissertation Award 2019-2020 in the area of Technology and Science for his Ph.D. dissertation titled Traffic State Estimation Using Probe Vehicle Data

01/19/2021 The Virtual Annual Reception Hosted by UMTRI/CCAT at TRB2021 Annual Meeting 

This year's event went virtual and is kicked off with remarks from Dr. Jim Sayer and Prof. Henry Liu. 

Seven papers from MTL were presented at the 2021 TRB Annual Meeting. The full list of the paper can be viewed here


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) awarded a $9.95 million Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) grant to the University of Michigan for the Smart Intersections: Paving the Way for a National CAV Deployment Project. Prof. Henry Liu is the PI for this project. 

Media Coverage 

News from Senator Stabenow 

News from Traffic Technology Today

News from Michigan Engineering

News from the University Record

News from Detroit's ABC station

News from CEE Department U of M

News from Concentrate

News from WXYZ

News from Mlive


Professor Henry Liu gave a keynote lecture presentation titled "Testing Autonomous Vehicles in a Naturalistic and Adversarial Environment" at the Purdue Next-Generation Transportation System (NGTS) 2020 conference


MTL celebrated Thanksgiving 2020 online!


Congratulations! Dr. Yiheng Feng joined Purdue University as an assistant professor.


Congratulations! Ed Huang successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Cyber Security of Traffic Signal Control Systems with Connected Vehicles


The Center for Connected and Automated Transportation hosted the 3rd Global Symposium. It is also the first time it moved online. Our world-class speakers covered topics such as the 5.9 GHz spectrum reallocation, cyber-security in connected and automated vehicles, necessary infrastructure changes, etc. Please check CCAT's YouTube channel for much more!


Along with UMTRI and CEE, CCAT hosted a reception to kick-off the Transportation Research Board’s 99th Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. 15 papers were presented by Michigan Traffic Lab.


Congratulations! Yan Zhao successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Traffic State Estimation Using Probe Vehicle Data.


Our Augmented Reality Environment for Mcity is posted on engineering.com: Augmented Reality Is Used to Improve Autonomous Vehicle Testing


Our paper titled "Self-Driving Cars Learn About Road Hazards Through Augmented Reality" written by Dr. Yiheng Feng and Professor. Henry Liu is published on IEEE SPECTRUM.


Congratulations! CEE student team (Yan Zhao. Xiaotong Sun and Alex Sundt) from the Michigan Transportation Student Organization (MiTSO) has won 1st Place in the USDOT-National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) 2nd Annual Transportation Technology Tournament. 


The digital Corktown microscopic simulation model we developed with Ford is now displaying on transportation modelling interactive table at Information Center of Corktown. 


2019 Global Symposium on Connected and Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure sponsored by the U.S. Depart of Transportation’s Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT) at the University of Michigan. 


Congratulations to Dr. Weili Sun and Xintao Yan on winning the Exceptional Paper Award in Research for paper "Signal Timing Parameters Estimation for Intersections Using Floating Car Data" at 2019 TRB.


Congratulations! Dr. Wai Wong on the paper (Wong, W., Wong, S.C. & Liu, H. (2018) Bootstrap standard error estimations of nonlinear transport models based on linearly projected data. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 15(2), 602-630. https://doi.org/10.1080/23249935.2018.1519647) awarded the HKSTS Outstanding Dissertation Paper Award and the Gordon Newell Memorial Prize. 


CNBC Interviewed with Professor Henry Liu, VP & Chief Scientist on Smart Transportation, Didi Chuxing Technology Co..


A white Paper that Professor  Henry Liu and Dr. Yiheng Feng outlined the unique augmented reality technology used to test connected and automated vehicles at Mcity is published in today's University Record. 


2018 Global Symposium for Connected and Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure sponsored by the U.S. Depart of Transportation’s Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT) at the University of Michigan. 


CEE Faculty partnered with DiDi Chuxing for transportation research. 


Congratulations! Jianfeng Zheng defended his Ph.D. thesis: Data-Driven Applications for Connected Vehicle Based Traffic Signal Systems

He became the first Ph.D. graduate from Michigan's newly established Next Generation Transportation System (NGTS) program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 


Didi CTO Bo Zhang visited us. 


Professor Carlos Daganzo from UC Berkeley visited us. 


Congratulations! Dr. Sharon Di  joined Columbia University as an assistant professor.